Monday, April 22, 2013

"Exposing the Fakes!" Spotlight on Marisol Ruiz Zorrilla

Hello peoples!

This is going to be my very first entry of  my "Exposing the Fakes!" series. I know this is supposed to be an "anonymous" blog, but I wouldn't be able to tell everything that has happened unless I inserted certain parts of myself and some of my life events in it. And if you knew Marisol personally, then I think you could probably guess who I am, and who the people are that are mentioned in this entry. Please don't focus on trying to guess though. I would like you to focus on the content of what is being said. I am writing this, because I feel that it is important to know the truth about what happened between me and her, and everybody, for that matter. I think that the whole "XiaoRishu and VenusAngelic" situation is what is most comparable to this entry. Like Xiao, I just want to let everyone know the truth about what happened.

Today I want to shed the light on a girl named Marisol Ruiz Zorrilla. She is a 21 year old cosplayer living in the US.

I don't know how this all started with her, or where to start, exactly, with this blog entry. I guess I should start from the beginning.

So I met Marisol in high school, and I thought we were really close friends because I would call her often and we would talk about things and make each other laugh a LOT. Then, after I finished high school, I started using Facebook (even though I wasn't allowed to have one. I used a pseudonym) so we could talk and I could connect with my friends who did not own a phone or had no other way of contacting me. I told everyone that it was me, and specifically told them not to tell anyone about the account because I was not allowed to have one.

 I (being a first-time Facebook user) went a bit "tag crazy" and would tag all of my friends in random pictures I found online. I felt as if they'd feel excluded if I didn't include them. (Some of my friends would tell me to stop tagging them, and I think she may have did, but I don't remember.) So when I'd tag Marisol and my other friends, they'd comment on the pictures/posts. My posts would sometimes be in Russ-English, or my way of saying "Russian and English mixed together". (If you knew me, you'd learn some Russian because I speak it with my English everyday.) Anyway, Marisol would comment asking me what I was saying, because she was one of my friends who didn't understand Russian, and I (or my other friends who understood) would have to translate for her some of the phrases.

After a while, I noticed that she was no longer active on Facebook (FB) as she was when I first friended her. Then she posted that she was was going to delete her FB account due to someone stalking her, and that if you still wanted to be her friend, then message her. I messaged her saying that I still did and she never messaged me back, so I figured, I guess she's no longer going to use that account. Later, I don't remember exactly why or how, but one of my friends told me that she had made a new account. I didn't know about it, so I asked my friend to send me a link, because the FB name he gave me wasn't showing up in the search box. After he sent me the link, I clicked on it, and it said that the content of the page was unavailable. I was so shocked because I didn't know why I was unable to view her page unless I was blocked. Upon discovering that I had been blocked, I was upset for the longest time. One of my close friends told me that she was still friends with Marisol. I still kept asking myself, and her, why Marisol would block me. She told me that she didn't know why until one night, she finally told me what Marisol wrote about me and had messaged to everyone.

According to my close friend, Marisol created the new account because my guy friend (who sent me the link) was supposedly "stalking" her page. And the second reason is because of ME.

She wrote (with some words omitted):

       "Two, is (my name). She is known as (my FB name) on Facebook. I had told her countless times to
       please stop spamming my page with pointless photos and things I don't need. After 3 times, she would
       still not listen so I deleted her. I changed my account and she used (guy friend's name) and some friends
       to peek into my profile and see personal info I only shared with come people."

I couldn't believe what I was reading! I was so upset, angry and confused at the same time! My initial thought was "Why on earth would she do something this terrible!?!". Especially because I told her specifically NOT to tell anyone about my account. I really thought we were friends! After four years of knowing her, you wouldn't think she'd do something like this!

Most of what she said was a lie (everything but the name part). She has only told me once (if at all) to not tag her in pictures and posts. Secondly, she BLOCKED me, so how would I have been able to view her account if I was blocked? And I would never use my friends for that reason! I honestly had no clue why she would make up these things about me! I couldn't think of anything that I did to upset her or make her feel this way, besides the tagging. If she really didn't like me tagging her, then she could have at least told me that she was going to block me because I was being annoying, or something. I was just grateful that my friend was kind enough to let me know about what was being said about me. I still couldn't fathom why she would do that to me and tell all those lies. I kept thinking and wondering constantly about it.

 Sometime later, I don't remember when, but after all that wondering, I came across the reason why! I don't remember who told me this, but her new FB account (oh yeah, she took my FB surname, btw.) supposedly said that she was a half Russian/Italian girl who is able to speak both languages fluently. (She is actually Mexican.) I finally came to the realization  why she had blocked me. It was because I speak Russian. (not fluently, but enough to know that she is a fake!) I think it is because she didn't want to come off as a "fake". Everything that was written in Russian on her account was translated from a website (eg. Google translate). I remember one of the descriptions of a picture on her former account had something written in Russian, and I told her the correct to say it. I think that was just for her Hetalia: Axis Powers cosplay though, but I guess her love of the character grew so much that she felt as if she needed to pretend her life was exactly like the character(s).

I think that everyone knew how fake she was though, because the people who know me personally knew both our language backgrounds. Our mutual friends probably knew too if they saw my posts. When I spoke to some of my friends about it, they told me that they didn't trust her either. I feel bad for the people who actually believe her all of her lies though. I just wish it didn't have to come to her making up lies about other people. I think it's just terrible.

About a year later, I heard that she caused drama for the rest of her friends. Because of her countless lies, I guess people stopped believing her. Her best friend even exposed all of her lies to everyone, and she had a huge argument with her group of friends, ending most of her friendships with them. I was thinking that if she hadn't lied at all, then none of this drama would have even happened.

A couple of months later, my friend texted me that Marisol was supposedly dead according to a post by her boyfr---er "fiance". This is the post.

My friend told me not to believe it, but if I didn't believe it and it actually happened, I would feel bad for not believing it. The next couple of days, I spoke with some of my friends about it and after this post, she still logged on and off, but a post following this one (info copied from the post and given to me in a message) read:

       Ok this is Nathaniel again and well it seems i need to make this REALLY plain and SIMPLE for alot of  
       retards sending ME flaming messages about marisol's DEATH, not SUICIDE ok? it was not a god
       damned SUICIDE. most of you people dont really give a shit, so i didnt share anymore details because i
       was asked not to so leave me alone and leave her alone! shes gone dont tarnish her reputation by calling
       her a liar. the only reason she "comes online" is because i am downloading photos to have at the funeral.
       thank you for you understanding and good bye

I just thought this was absolutely ridiculous! I mean who would be stupid enough to actually believe that? And if it really was Nathaniel, wouldn't he post it from his own account? Also, if they "didn't give a shit", why would they be messaging you for answers? And if it wasn't a suicide, then why did you make it sound like it was in you previous post? And "tarnish her reputation by calling her a liar"? Oh, please! You have GOT to be kidding me! She did that on her own by telling all those lies!

*One of our mutual friends told me that she was told not to let anyone know that Marisol is still alive or to mention her on FB.*

A few days later, Marisol had deleted her FB account. One of my other friends on DeviantArt posted a journal entry apologizing for her previous journal entry (that had been deleted) that mentioned the death of her friend. It confirmed that Marisol is still alive.

I decided to do a little research myself to see if there were any obituaries or articles announcing her death. I didn't find it in any of the articles, but I found another DA journal entry dedicated to her.

I feel terrible for the person who wrote this and actually believed her. Marisol had to have a lot of nerve to pretend that she's dead. A LOT of people cared about her and were worried sick (including me).

Since I had Googled her full name, I also came across her tumblr account. There, I found even more lies.

Ever since I knew her, her name had been "Marisol Ruiz". On FB, it was "Marisol Ruiz Zorrilla" (I'm guessing Zorrilla  was her other parent's surname). And the last time I checked, Ruiz was NOT spelled "Fyodorovna-Krumpov". (Oh, I forgot to mention that in high school, she once told me specifically that she wasn't Russian because supposedly, people would tell her that they "thought she was Russian because she looked like Ester from the movie Orphan".)

Also, according to out mutual friends, she flunked out of her community college, so she wasn't even in school anymore. How could she have been "studying to be a vet" if she isn't in school? And yes, this was posted after she flunked out because her age is updated and her birthday was recent.

Back to the topic of her supposed "death", I heard that she was spotted at Anime Conji and it freaked a lot of people out. I would seriously be freaked out too if I actually believed her.

Doing more research, I discovered her Youtube account. She has uploaded a video
after her "death date" BUT she stated that she wasn't dead in it. She also says that she had to close her FB account because she was "being harassed". I don't know if that's true or not, but I wouldn't believe it. If it was true, it was probably due to her constant lies. I think that she just calls it "harassing" when people call her
out on her lies. (*For example, at my birthday party, after one of my friends left, she told everyone there that he had a girlfriend that looked like her, but he didn't because (when I asked him about it earlier) he told me that Marisol was his last girlfriend. I tried to tell her that it wasn't true, but she defended herself by saying that his close friend told her about it. I just couldn't believe what I was hearing from her, because I know his close friend that she mentioned, and he would NEVER make up a lie about my friend like that.*) I understand if you need to delete your FB for whatever reason, but why pretend that you're dead before deleting it? Does she have a constant lying condition that involves her lying before she decides to do anything?  Or does she actually believe herself when she tells all these lies? And did she just say that she was "turning over a new leaf"? What's that supposed to mean? Does it mean she's going to start over with everything and stop telling lies? If it does, then I hope she really means it.

***Video of her attempt at a Russian accent: ***
       (If she actually spoke Russian, she would have wished her friend a Happy Birthday in Russian, which would be "S Dnem Rozhdeniya" (Romanized) >>>pronunciation: s dnyOm rozh~dye~nee~ya<<< and if she was really Russian, she would have at least attempted the Russian birthday song {I sang part it for my friend's birthday at her party}.

I don't know why she would tell so many lies, especially ones that affect other people. It just doesn't make sense to me. She has damaged many reputations and her own by even telling them. I just hope that one day, she wakes up from her dreamland of reality and is able to differentiate fact from fiction. I think  that she doesn't have to tell lies to make make people like her. I (and many others) was her friend before all of this craziness and liked her for who she really was. I hope that she realizes that she doesn't need to base her life off of anime in order to make friends. Being yourself and being honest is one of the most important things in maintaining relationships.

I do apologize if this blog seems a bit scattered  and unorganized. I think it  was easier to write it as it happened so that it is easier to understand. I hope that you enjoyed reading this, or at least learned something from it. Please leave your comments and thoughts below or email me if you'd like at

   Little Miss Anon

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